Norwalk, CT – City officials are working closely with partners at the state and federal levels, as well as partners in Norwalk, to monitor and respond to COVID-19, the 2019 novel Coronavirus. Statewide updates can be found online at ct.gov/coronavirus. Mayor Rilling provided the following Norwalk-area specific updates regarding COVID-19 coronavirus as of 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 2, 2020:
- Since yesterday, there are 15 new positive cases in Norwalk, bringing the total positive reported cases in Norwalk to 330. There were also two new deaths reported. Now, a total of 17 Norwalk residents have died as a result of coronavirus. In Fairfield County, the number of new positive cases went from 1,986 to 2,132. The public is asked to continue to take precautions as community spread is likely happening across the state.
- As the Norwalk community continues to practice physical distancing in an effort to slow the spread of coronavirus, some may feel socially disconnected. Mayor Rilling encourages residents to light a light in their windows and for churches and houses of worship to ring their bells or chimes at 7 p.m. each day to offer thanks to first responders and other essential employees, and to show solidarity as a community.
- Yesterday, on April 1 (April Fools’ Day) a message began circulating about schools being closed for the rest of the year. To be clear, Governor Lamont has made no decision about the rest of the school year. Officials are expecting a decision to be announced by April 10. The public is reminded to treat information on social media seriously, but cautiously, as misinformation spread incredibly fast. Kudos to Norwalk Public Schools for responding quickly.
- Reports continue to surface that members of the public are discarding used gloves in the parking lots and sidewalks of shopping facilities. Mayor Rilling has asked the Norwalk Police Department to up enforcement and issue tickets to anyone observed littering.
“It is heart-wrenching to share that two more Norwalk residents have died. I offer my deepest condolences to their family and friends,” Mayor Rilling said. “While the number of new cases has slowed over the past two days, it does not forecast what may be heading our way. We are by no means out of the woods yet. I ask the public to continue taking all of the necessary precautions to keep themselves and loved ones safe.”
Members of the public are encouraged to sign-up for the City’s CodeRED Emergency Alert Notification System at norwalkct.org/codered.
Updates on City services, hours, and community resources will be routinely published at norwalkct.org/citynews. The latest health updates can be found at norwalkct.org/coronavirus.