Norwalk, CT – City officials are working closely with partners at the state and federal levels, as well as partners in Norwalk, to monitor and respond to COVID-19, the 2019 novel Coronavirus. Statewide updates can be found online at ct.gov/coronavirus. Mayor Rilling provided the following Norwalk-area specific updates regarding COVID-19 coronavirus as of 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 9, 2020:
- Since yesterday, there are 27 new positive cases in Norwalk, bringing the total positive reported cases in Norwalk to 671. There was also one new death reported. Now, a total of 24 Norwalk residents have died as a result of coronavirus. In Fairfield County, the number of new positive cases went from 4,417 to 4,882.
- The Norwalk Transfer station remains open as an essential City service, with limited hours and reduced staffing. To promote physical distancing, residents will notice every-other spot blocked off. City officials encourage members of the public who are able, to visit the transfer station during weekdays and not wait for the weekend. A rush of residents on Saturdays creates traffic problems and could pose potential health risks.
- City Boards and Commissions will be using the Zoom platform for public meetings. This allows members of the public to share comments directly during a meeting. However, those who wish to simply watch a meeting can do so on the City of Norwalk YouTube channel. Please note there is roughly a 25 second delay from what is on Zoom and what is on YouTube.
- City officials reminds residents that garbage and recycling collection services by the City of Norwalk will follow the regular collection schedule on the Good Friday Holiday, April 10. Collection services will remain on regular schedule during the current pandemic until further notice, but are subject to change. Norwalk City Hall will be closed entirely on April 10.
- With the holidays here, many might be seeking creative ways to celebrate. City officials encourages everyone to stay home and use technology and phone calls to stay connected.
“I am sorry to report that we’ve lost another resident to coronavirus. I am sending my deepest condolences to their family and friends. I hope this is the last COVID-19 death in our community, but fear it is not,” Mayor Rilling said. “While the number of new positive cases reported to us has slowed the past few days, health experts warn that we are still weeks away from the peak. We all need to keep practicing physical distancing. I know that can be challenging with the holidays here, but please, do not take to your cars for parking lot gatherings or to drive through neighborhoods. That is an unnecessary risk no one should take.”
Members of the public are encouraged to sign-up for the City’s CodeRED Emergency Alert Notification System at norwalkct.org/codered.
Updates on City services, hours, and community resources will be routinely published at norwalkct.org/citynews. The latest health updates can be found at norwalkct.org/coronavirus.