Norwalk, CT – City officials are working closely with partners at the state and federal levels, as well as partners in Norwalk, to monitor and respond to COVID-19, the 2019 novel Coronavirus. Statewide updates can be found online at ct.gov/coronavirus. Mayor Rilling provided the following Norwalk-area specific updates regarding COVID-19 coronavirus as of 5:30 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 2020:
– Since yesterday, there are three new positive cases in Norwalk, bringing the total positive reported cases in Norwalk to eight. The first death of a Norwalk resident due to coronavirus was also reported. In Fairfield County, the number of new positive cases went from 102 to 122. The age and sex of these individuals will not be released. The public is asked to continue to take precautions as community spread is likely happening across the state.
– Governor Ned Lamont announced a “stay safe, stay at home” order for the entire state. Norwalk officials will share more details on what this means for local government services in the days ahead.
– Norwalk Public Schools has extended its original period of Distance Learning into a second two-week phase, to include the week of April 6, to provide consistency and learning momentum. Distance Learning will continue through the April break. However, there will be no Distance Learning on April 10, which is a holiday on the calendar.
– Mayor Rilling has authorized the hiring of an outside vendor to provide deep cleaning services at all of the City’s public schools.
– Houses of Worship and numerous volunteers are stepping up to provide services, programs, and supplies during this time of need. While these grassroots efforts are greatly appreciated, it is important to have volunteers and donations coordinated to help reach those most in-need. Please contact Michele DeLuca, Deputy Director of Emergency Management, at MDeluca@norwalkct.org, to share updates and information regarding these efforts.
– The Norwalk Senior Center is concerned about older adult residents and the effects of social isolation and community disconnect. Seniors can leave a message at 203-847-3115 (English) or 203-299-1500 (Spanish) and a staff member will return their call.
– The City launched an online land records system in the Town Clerk’s office that allows the public to conduct business remotely. The system had been scheduled to “go live” in early summer, but due to COVID-19 pandemic, and subsequent closure of City Hall to the public, officials expedited the project. Learn more here.
“My heart breaks for this person’s family and friends. Our condolences go out to their loved ones,” Mayor Rilling said. “We know the coronavirus is not going away tomorrow or even in weeks ahead, so we are preparing long-term strategies. I am thankful for the public’s continued patience and understanding.”
Members of the public are encouraged to sign-up for the City’s CodeRED Emergency Alert Notification System at norwalkct.org/codered.
Updates on City services, hours, and community resources will be routinely published at norwalkct.org/citynews. The latest health updates can be found at norwalkct.org/coronavirus.