In times like this, the Norwalk River Valley Trail (NRVT) offers a critical outlet for exercise and experiencing the healing power of nature. There’s been a significant uptick in trail usage as the trail offers a reprieve from the issues that surround us.
If you choose to go for a walk, run, or bike, please remember that the CDC’s guidelines for social distancing apply on the trail too! Be sure to allow for 6 feet of distance between yourself and others on the trail at all times.
“The NRVT trails were created for everyone to enjoy healthy exercise and a sense of well-being. It’s wonderful so many people are out on the NRVT, but these are challenging times for all of us. The CDC guidelines on social distancing are important to follow for everyone’s safety.” said Charlie Taney, NRVT Board President. Today, the NRVT posted signs on the trail reminding everyone to enjoy the Trail and be safe.
NRVT is a planned 30 mile, ten-foot wide, multi-use trail running through the Heart of Fairfield County from Long Island Sound/Calf Pasture Beach in Norwalk to the Hills of Danbury/Tarrywile Park going through Wilton, Ridgefield and Redding on the way. To date, 8 miles of the NRVT have been completed, with an additional 3 miles slated for construction in 2020.
For more information, visit: www.nrvt-trail.com.