
, CT – Given the Town of Wilton’s current health advisories, Wilton Library will remain closed through Sunday, March 15. During this time, library custodial staff will perform systematic deep cleaning of all surfaces using CDC recommended guidelines. These cleaning procedures will be maintained for the foreseeable future.
Beginning Monday, March 16, although the building will remain closed to the public, the library’s drive thru window will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for patrons to pick up items they have placed on hold, and to return items. The drive thru window is located on the Godfrey Place side of the building. As always, patrons may use the blue drop bin in the library’s parking lot for returning items at any time.
The plan is for the library to be staffed from Monday, March 16 through Sunday, March 22 as follows: Monday through Friday, 10 to 6; Saturday, 10 to 5 and Sunday, 1 to 5. The building will be open to staff only and all questions, holds, renewals and returns will be handled by phone or the drive thru window. Patrons will be notified when items are available for pick up. Overdue fees will be waived from March 11 through March 15.
Elaine Tai-Lauria, executive director of Wilton Library, said, “This is such a changing environment. These are our plans for this week. They were devised with patron safety in mind given this very fluid situation.”
Patrons may place adult items on hold via the catalog on the library’s website (www.wiltonlibrary.org) or by calling the reference librarians at 203-762-6350.
Parents can put children’s books and DVDs on reserve through the online catalog and can swing by the drive thru to pick up materials for the kids to enjoy at home. The Children’s Library staff can be reached at 203-762-6336 if parents need any help. Teen Services staff will address any items for holds, or help with teen questions at 203-762-6342.
Another way in which patrons can be entertained is through the library’s Digital Library, which is free and available 24/7 for anyone with a current Wilton Library card. EAudiobooks, eBooks, eMagazines, and AcornTV can be accessed using OverDrive and RBDigital; music, movies, TV shows can be viewed with Hoopla and Hoopla for Kids; and streaming classical and jazz music can be enjoyed with Naxos Music Library.
The Digital Library also lets people take the time to learn a language through online language-learning with Transparent Language Online; and online learning can take place with thousands of helpful videos through lynda.com.
A wealth of current, comprehensive and authoritative information is available through Wilton Library’s vast selection of Research Databases. The reference librarians can be reached at 203-762-6350 or reference@wiltonlibrary.org and are happy to assist patrons with any of the above.
Information about the library’s hours of operation may be found on the website at www.wiltonlibrary.org.
Tai-Lauria concluded, “We ask that people stay tuned to our website and social media for information. We are all in this together, and at the heart of it, we want to keep things safe for the community. This is an evolving situation in unchartered territory, so we thank everyone for their understanding and patience.”
For more information on the Coronavirus, visit the library’s website at www.wiltonlibrary.org. For help in downloading or streaming items, please contact the library’s reference desk at 203-762-6350.