WCSU, Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce, Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board partner to create event for employers, job seekers

DANBURY, CT – The Spring 2023 Greater Danbury Job Fair, sponsored by the Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce, the Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board and the Western Connecticut State University Career Success Center, will be from 3 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 1, at the Danbury Fair Center Court, 7 Backus Ave. in Danbury.

Employers interested in attending should immediately email the Greater Danbury Chamber at info@danburychamber.com or the WCSU Career Success Center at careersuccess@wcsu.edu as space is limited. All businesses and industries are welcome, and participation is free for companies looking to hire. Registration includes a table and two chairs; employers should bring their own tablecloth.

The career fair is also free to job seekers, who should dress for success and bring multiple copies of their resume.

A list of participating employers to-date can be found at www.wcsu.edu/careersuccess/career-fair/.

For more information, contact the WCSU Career Success Center at careersuccess@wcsu.edu or the Greater Danbury Chamber at info@danburychamber.com.

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